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Trademark / Brand Name Class(es)
JERRY WONG'S taste of china 16
L LIGHTSPEED china partners 35, 36
MAI china +circles 5
MAINLAND china 3, 30
MAINLAND china +men & women 16
MAIOO china 30, 31, 32, 35, 42
MAIOO china +circles 29
MEMORIES OF china 29, 41
MISS china 24
OASIS BONE china +circle 21
OASIS bone china india +tre 16
QUICK china 42
RED china +building & bird 43
RIKONS 36 china gold 5
ROYAL china 8, 16, 21, 30, 33, 43
ROYAL china +building 12, 16, 21, 25, 30, 32, 33, 34
S royal bone china 21
S super china 21
SIZZLING china +hut 42
TASTE OF china 16
TCPL supreme bone china 21
U.P.C. bone china +flowers 21
WOK BY china +bowl & sticks 30, 43
YO china 30
YO! china 43
YO! china +square 29, 32
Z ZIRCOSIL fine china +oval 21
cn china CORNING 9
golden queen's bone china 21
hi HI-LINE china +oval 31
marc FINE bone china +squar 21
mm china rice +circle 30
mr. china 25
FUJI de chine 24
chines 1
chinese 30
chinese LAUNDRY 18, 24, 25
chinese ROOM 30
chinese abacus academy +gir 41
chinese character 28, 34
chinese characters 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 12, 14, 16, 18, 23, 25, 28, 29, 30, 31, 34, 35, 38, 39, 42
chinese characters & arcs 7
chinese characters & man 5
chinese characters +leaf 5
chinese characters in circl 34
chinese script 9, 30, 35, 42
chinese symbols 29
100% SG +chinese characters 36
A LI SHAN in chinese 34
A POWERFUL ACTOR in chinese 8
BA QU TING in chinese 5
BAI GUO in chinese +flowers 6
BAIER +chinese characters 19
BAMBOO POT chinese & thai 29
BAN RUOH in chinese 4
BAO GANG in chinese 4, 6, 7
BAOSTEEL in chinese 6
BE IN HARMONY in chinese 29, 30
BEI BEN in chinese 12, 37
BEI JI XING in chinese +sta 14
BEL in chinese 11, 19
BEN BANG BENBON in chinese 9, 11
BEST CHINE fine chinese 16
BING CHUAN NI in chinese 3
BLACK SKIN in chinese 32
BO SHI in chinese 16
BO WEI HE in chinese 6
BO ZHONG in chinese +arcs 7
BORN in chinese 33
BU CHANG in chinese 5
BY THE DOCKSIDE in chinese 43
CARDANRO in chinese 3, 18, 25
CHANG BI in chinese +circle 7
CHI MEI Q JIAU in chinese 1
CHINA AVIATION in chinese 9
CHINA WALL INK in chinese 25
CHINI MINI pure veg chinese 30
CHOPSTIX chinese restaurant 43
CHUNG TIN in chinese 16, 39, 40
CLP in chinese 16
CO LAN DAI in chinese 12
D DEERHUI in chinese 25
DA LI SHI in chinese 1
DA ZI ZAI in chinese 20
DAO LE in chinese 10
DAPHNE +chinese characters 25
DIAO YU TAI in chinese 34
DICON LIFT in chinese 7
chinese 7
chinese 12
DR. P +heart & chinese char 16
DRAGON AIR in chinese 39
EATME chinese noodles 30
FEN FANG chinese fast food 29
FEN JIANG in chinese +oval 11
FOC FEI CHI PAL in chinese 24
GONG HANG in chinese 36
GONG YIN in chinese 36
chinese 22
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